You’ve got a website and you’re happy with it – can it work harder for you?
Your website is there to show your services and products, you’ve paid good money to have it made, here are ways to get it to do more.

1. Do you take bookings for meetings, services or events?
You might be able to add a booking service on your website. People could book and pay, or book a date and pay later.
2. Review and update pages on your website
There may be information on your website that is out of date, or website pages that could benefit from being updated.
3. Do a news story
A website news story doesn’t need to be long or complicated, maybe just a paragraph or two with a photo, talking about some recent work, or upcoming work. Please will then get the impression that your business or charity is organised and active.
4. Are you highlighting your services or products on your website?
You may have a page advertising your products or services, but you could mention them on other pages on your website with links to them.
5. Do a regular news story
Leading on from ‘Do a new story’. If you can make the time to to a news story regularly, it will be good for your visibility on search engines (Google). You could aim to do a story at regular intervals: fortnightly, monthly, every couple of months.
Even if you do 4 stories an year, at the end of the first year, you’ll have 4 new and pretty recent pages on your website.
You can read more about increasing your website’s visibility on the internet here on my page, ‘Website SEO search engine optimisation’