Colour is everywhere, and it’s pretty important in graphic design. We use a mixture of logic and intuition, along with the wishes of our clients to choose what colours to use in logos, branding, graphic design and website design. When
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We’ve made a reviews page

Are you good are asking for reviews – we’ve not been all that good, but we’re now getting a little bit better. Clients have very kindly been writing reviews about our graphic design and website design services over the last
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A social media page will increase the internet visibility of your business or charity We can do regular posts, which could be as regular as you’d like – weekly, monthly, or a post every second month, we can also discuss
Read moreOur logo design process

When people contact us about getting a logo they often ask us about our logo design process. Here’s a step-by-step guide of how we typically work when designing logos and brands. First contacts Potential clients first contact is usually by
Read moreDesigning van signs

Find out more about the van signs we did for D & P Decorating If you’re looking for a graphic designer to do the graphics for your van, our page about van graphics for D & P Decorating might give
Read moreGraphic design prices

How can British graphic design prices be justified? Someone recently contacted us, asking for some advice about how much money they should pay to have their older style website updated to be responsive / smartphone friendly. As part of our conversation
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We’ve got our new section (blog) underway. Our first post is about British graphic design prices. We hope it’s of interest, you’re welcome to contact us with any opinions.
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